Monday, May 18, 2009

2004 Rain Dance Shiraz

Price: $16
Maker: Westcorp International
Variety: Shiraz
Packaging: 3 liter box
Our Rating: 8 out of 10

Westcorp International, a South African wine firm, offers Rain Dance Shiraz as one of a series of box wines with that label. Currently shipping is the 2004 vintage. The packaging for this series is colorful, and the name alludes to an old African tradition, the dance that brings the life sustaining rains. The wine is packaged in a 3 liter box with squared-off corners. The spout is a twist-spigot, but doesn’t seem to have any of the dribble problems one finds with some of the cheap American boxes with this kind of dispenser.

It’s rare that the description of a wine on the packaging doesn’t over-promise, but the Rain Dance box says simply, “a smooth, easy drinking red wine with berry and fruit flavors.” We agree with that minimalist description. The wine has a pleasing aroma of spice and berries, and the flavor is smooth - berries and oak, with some peppery spice. The finish is slightly acidic, which plays well with the rest of the experience. This may not be a big, complex red, but it’s a crowd-pleaser that should prove enjoyable to a range of palates. This would be a nice selection for a cookout or group event where you want the practicality of a box but want to go a bit upscale. The Rain Dance Shiraz box would also be perfect for the “glass of red wine a day” drinker who doesn’t want to contend with oxidation issues in partially-consumed bottles.